Welcome October! Hari ini kita berada di minggu pertama di bulan ke-10 yang berarti kurang dari tiga bulan lagi tahun 2016 akan tiba. Tapi gak usah ngomongin yang jauh-jauh dulu. Kali ini kita bahas yang sudah kelihatan di depan mata aja — jadwal rilis komik di minggu pertama Oktober yang jatuh pada tanggal 7 Oktober mendatang. Setelah minggu kemarin tidak banyak komik baru yang terbit, untungnya tidak dengan periode rilis minggu ini. Ada beberapa judul baru pula, baik dari kubu DC, Marvel, maupun Image. Bakal dimanja deh kayaknya kita besok
Berikut ini jadwal terbit komik tanggal 7 Oktober 2015, dikelompokkan berdasarkan penerbitnya.
Daftar Isi
DC Comics
Untuk urusan rilis merilis komik ongoing, DC kali ini jawaranya. Total ada 15 judul komik lanjutan yang bakalan terbit minggu ini. Yaitu: The Omega Men #5, Sensation Comic Featuring Wonder Woman #15, Mortal Kombat X #11, Midnighter #5, Looney Tunes #227, Lobo #11, Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Four #11, Green Lantern #45, Green Arrow Annual #1, Green Arrow #45, Detective Comics #45, Cyborg #3, Batman: Arkham Knight #9, Batman Beyond #5, dan Bat-Mite #5. Dua yang masuk dalam prioritas baca saya adalah Cyborg #3 dan Batman Beyond #5. Mungkin juga Detective Comics #45, antara gemes-gemes penasaran dengan bat Gordon.
- batmanbeyond 5
- detectivecomics 45
- cyborg 3
Ada dua judul baru dari DC, yaitu Telos #1 dan Batman And Robin Eternal #1. Berikut previewnya:
Telos #1
Story: Jeff King
Art: Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz
The villain of the world-shattering CONVERGENCE event stars in his own new series! Set loose from his planetary tether at the end of the best-selling CONVERGENCE, Telos finds himself free and able to traverse space and time via a sliver of Brainiac’s powers. As this epic begins, he embarks on an odyssey, journeying across time and space in search of his past.
Lepas dari jeratan Brainiac, Telos, mastermind event Convergence yang ternyata gak jahat-jahat amat, kini memulai petualangannya sendiri di seri komik terbaru DC. Salah satu yang bakal dibahas adalah seputar masa lalu Telos yang masih belum jelas hingga sekarang.
Batman And Robin Eternal #1
Story: Scott Snyder, James T Tynion IV
Art: Tony S Daniel
It’s here at last—the sequel to the blockbuster weekly series BATMAN ETERNAL!
Five years ago, Batman and Robin worked the most disturbing case of their crimefighting careers—bringing down the organization of the ultimate human trafficker, the mysterious woman known only as Mother. At the time, Dick Grayson never quite understood the scope of that case, but now its darkest secrets are coming back to haunt him and everyone else who ever worked with Batman! With Bruce Wayne now lost to them, Dick and all his allies are out in the cold! Who can they trust? Is someone among them not who they say they are? And who is the deadly, silent young woman in black who’s come to Gotham City looking for Batman?
Prepare yourself for six months of international intrigue, twists and turns, and new additions to the world of Batman and Robin, from showrunners James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder, and writers Tim Seeley, Steve Orlando, Genevieve Valentine, Ed Brisson, and Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly!
Ini jelas layak ditunggu. Terbit secara mingguan, seri ini bakal menjadi jembatan antara berbagai seri seputar Batman dkk, termasuk Grayson, We Are Robin, dan sebagainya. Bakal seru nih!
Terakhir, berikut judul rilisan komik bundling DC untuk periode ini: Secret Six Vol. 3, He-Man The Eternity War Vol. 1, Crisis On Infinite Earths Deluxe Edition, Convergence: Zero Hour Book One, Convergence: Zero Hour Book Two, Convergence TP, Batman: The Road To No Man’s Land Vol. 1, dan Batman Eternal Vol. 3.
Marvel Comics
Sebelas! Minggu ini Marvel merilis 11 judul baru (sebagian merupakan ‘reset nomer’ dari seri lama mereka) dan 11 edisi lanjutan. Untuk yang disebut terakhir, berikut ini daftarnya: Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three: The Lady of Shadows #2, Darth Vader #10, Groot #5, 1602 Witch Hunter Angela #4, Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham #3, Powers #5, Secret Wars #6, Siege #4, Spider-Island #5, Star Wars #10, dan Star Wars: Lando #5. Sedangkan untuk judul ‘barunya’, yaitu: Doctor Strange #1, Invincible Iron Man #1, Marvel Super Hero Contest of Championship #1, All-New All-Different Marvel Point One #1, Marvel Super Hero Spectacular #1, Marvel Universe Guardians of the Galaxy #1, What If? Infinity – Inhumans #1, dan What If? Infinity – Thanos #1.
Beberapa judul baru Marvel yang kayaknya bakal ngeheitttsss:
Contest of Champions #1
Story: Al Ewing
Art: Paco Medina, Juan Vlasco
Welcome to the BATTLEREALM–a broken section of space-time where cosmic beings gamble for the ultimate power while their unwilling pawns fight for their lives and a chance to return back to Earth. Who will survive… THE CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS?
Teasernya… kok… mirip… event… Convergence-nya… DC… yah? *siapsiapditimpukinmarvelfanboy*
Amazing Spider-Man #1
Story: Dan Slott
Art: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Cam Smith
Spider-Man has gone global! Parker Industries is more successful than ever, with offices in New York, Shanghai, London and San Francisco and Peter Parker is racking up the frequent flyer miles with his “bodyguard” Spider-Man in tow, of course. But success breeds enemies and a reinvigorated Zodiac have also widened their scope to threaten the whole world. Join Dan Slott and Giuseppe Camuncoli as they take Spider-Man to the next level! This huge first issue also includes stories featuring Silk, Spidey 2099, Spider-Woman and much more!
Semoga, seperti yang dijanjikan sebelumnya, cerita di sini bakal merupakan kelanjutan dari cerita Renew Your Vows yang barusan tamat.
Avengers #0
Story: Mark Waid, James Robinson, G. Willow Wilson, Al Ewing , Gerry Duggan
Art: Mahmud Asrar, Leonard Kirk, Gerardo Sandoval, Kenneth Rocafort , Ryan Stegman , Victor Ibanez
The kickoff to the All-New AVENGERS line begins here, with new stories of the ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS, SQUADRON SUPREME, A-FORCE, NEW AVENGERS, ULTIMATES and UNCANNY AVENGERS! Someone is carefully studying the movements of the Avengers and those in their orbit—but do they mean to harm, or help? Find out the first clues in this special launch issue!
Cuman itu kenapa seri What If? dikeluarin lagi sih? Atau mungkin emang cuman saya aja yang gak demen cerita-cerita ‘berandai-andai’-nya Marvel?
Image Comics
Image Comics cukup sibuk minggu depan. Selain 11 komik lanjutan, ada 6 judul komik bundle (TPB), 1 one-shot, dan 4 judul komik baru. Wow! Mari kita simak preview dari yang gress-gress dulu.
Saints #1
Story: Sean Lewis
Art: Benjamin Mackey
Award-winning playwright and This American Life personality SEAN LEWIS teams with red-hot artist BENJAMIN MACKEY for an all-new ONGOING SERIES! Dexter-style action collides with a Preacher-esque sensibility in this crime/horror series for mature readers. Blaise, Lucy, and Sebastian discover a Holy War is erupting and they, unwittingly, are the next generation of Saints poised to fight for a heaven that God has abandoned. The occult rises in a spectacular, action-packed first issue crammed full of heavy metal, sex, and deadly one-liners.
Kayaknya menarik nih kalau dilihat dari teasernya. Genre kombinasi crime + horror, dengan latar belakang perang antara malaikat dan iblis (holy war). Dari covernya gambarnya sih keliatannya bakal keren. Semoga gak mengecewakan.
Paper Girls #1
Story: Brian K. Vaughan
Art: Cliff Chiang, Matt Wilson
SAGA writer BRIAN K. VAUGHAN launches a brand-new ONGOING SERIES with superstar Wonder Woman artist CLIFF CHIANG! In the early hours after Halloween of 1988, four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls uncover the most important story of all time. Stand By Me meets War of the Worlds in this mysterious young adult adventure, starting with a spectacular DOUBLE-SIZED FIRST ISSUE for the regular price of just $2.99!
Belum tau bakal suka ato gak. Covernya sih nggak, apalagi settingnya masa lalu (yang saya kurang begitu suka) dan remaja alay (alias yang umurnya nanggung). Tapi di teaser disebutin kalo bakal ada unsur alien (War Of The Worlds) dan itu gue bingitss.
Axcend #1
Story: Shane Davis
Art: Shane Davis, Michelle Delecki, Morry Hollowell
Superman Earth One co-creator SHANE DAVIS returns to comics for an all-new ONGOING SERIES! What happens when a video game decides to come to our reality to play? When there are no extra lives, and Armageddon looms on the horizon, when your life revolves around gaming like teenager Eric Morn, you Press Start. Writer/artist SHANE DAVIS (Superman: Earth One), MICHELLE DELECKI (JLA,Venom) and MORRY HOLLOWELL (Civil War, Old Man Logan) bring you an epic sci-fi/thriller that’s like Tron meets Inception with a cheat code! This special introductory issue features 28 full pages and no ads! Each issue of the series will feature a VS. linking cover variant by DAVIS showcasing the book’s cast.
Yang ini sepertinya bakal bagus. At least preview grafisnya lumayan keren.
Codename Babouska: The Conclave of Death #1
Story By: Antony Johnston
Art By: Shari Chankhamma
CODENAME BABOUSHKA is an action-packed modern pulp spy thriller full of high-stakes thrills in exotic locations, with a kick-ass female hero in the style of James Bond and Modesty Blaise! Written by ANTONY JOHNSTON (THE FUSE, The Coldest City, Daredevil) and illustrated by SHARI CHANKHAMMA (SHELTERED, The Sisters’ Luck). The enigmatic Contessa is a wealthy socialite, the last heiress to a noble Russian line—and secretly a deadly assassin! Blackmailed by the US government to carry out dirty jobs even the CIA can’t sanction, she’s got nothing to lose…and everything to fight for!
Untuk judul komik lainnya yaitu: 8 House #4, We Stand On Guard #4, Starve #5, Plutona #2, Nailbiter #16, Minimum Wage: So Many Bad Decisions #6, The Humans #8, Dark Corridor #3, CBLDF Presents Liberty Annual 2015 (one-shot), Copperhead #10, The Surface #4, Southern Bastards #11, The Walking Dead Compendium Vol. 3, Deadly Class Vol. 3: Snake Pit TP, Bitch Planet Vol. 1: Extraordinary Machine TP, Outcast Vol. 2 TP, Jupiter’s Circle Vol.1 TP, dan Injection Vol. 1 TP.

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