Salah satu kata kunci pencarian yang masuk ke situs Curcol.Co adalah “AHGOBU“. Pernah dengar kata itu? Sama, saya juga belum. Saat coba googling pun juga tidak diketemukan satu pun petunjuk mengenai makna kata ahgobu tersebut. Malah saya nyasar ke sebuah situs keren yang bisa menampilkan semua variasi kata dari abjad-abjad yang kita sediakan. Bermanfaat sekali nih buat yang hobi main Scrabble, hehehe. Alamat situsnya Dan untuk kata “AHGOBU” sendiri sama sekali tidak diketemukan variasi kata 6 hurufnya.
Namun saya jadi amat sangat bersyukur sudah kepo masalah “AHGOBU”. Saat mengeksplor lebih jauh lagi di Google, saya masuk ke sebuah kata yang disarankan oleh om Gugel karena mirip, “AGHEEBO”. Saya sama sekali tidak menyangka bahwa Agheebo adalah nama nasyid yang biasa diputar menjelang adzan sholat fardlu di masjid dekat tempat tinggal saya dan kebetulan sudah dari dulu saya cari-cari judulnya 😀 Nasyid ini dibawakan oleh Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy atau lengkapnya bernama Shaikh Mishary Rashid Ghareeb Mohammed Rashid Al-Afasy, seorang munsyid, hafiz dan imam berkebangsaan Kuwait yang dikenal karena keindahan resital Al-Quran dan nasyid yang dilantunkannya.
Berikut video klip “Agheebo” dari Al-Afasy beserta terjemahannya dalam bahasa Inggirs. Hak cipta adalah milik pencipta video yang bersangkutan.
Indah, bukan? Untuk mempermudah memahami arti dari nasyid ini, berikut teks terjemahan bahasa Inggris dari “Agheebo”.
I live and go but Allah / the one with all the kindness is always there / I live and go but Allah / the one with all the kindness is always there and I ask Him for hope that is never rejected.
I ask from Him safety from the bad in the World. / I am tested through it, where its disasters turn me gray / I ask Him all the time and in all cases because He is the one who makes our hearts feel safe.
The way He makes everything around is beyond our imagination, / It is mysterious to us because it is fate to be so. / It is Allah who eases things for us, but how He does so is beyond our knowledge / He eases hard tragedy on us from generosity and hidden kindness as well as relief to hardships we face
I have no one to ask but Allah / He is my only Lord and the only One / My heart is full of love, for He is generous, blessed, kind and answers the prayers of His servants
He is patient, He always puts forgiveness before punishment / He is so merciful that His mercy includes all beings
Oh, Lord of all lords, forgive me; my sins distanced me from You / My mistakes and sins sicken me more everyday but You are the only doctor who can make me feel fine / Oh Allah, keep those who envy away from me and make me feel safe / Disasters do indeed hurt.
Bless me with the company of my children and family because it is easy for anyone to feel lonely / I feel really sad about those young kids / Whenever I recall them I almost burst into tears / But I have let go of my own matters to Allah, who is the wisest in managing everything in this world
He is the most merciful, who I believe in and ask for help / From Him, I ask for forgiveness / Oh, Allah, You know how I am doing / Is there a relief soon?
Oh, Lord of the day of justice, make those aches in the heart go away / Show me what makes You content, look at me and please make me give up sins / Protect me and make me prevail / Give me strength when my powers faint
Inspire me to mention and praise You all my life since everything in my life becomes sweet when I worship you / I ask for all these blessings, not just for me, but for all those who believe in Allah / We all share the mercy we were blessed with from the Lord / My beliefs and thoughts of you, Sir, are beautiful / I gain my strength and my hopes from the richness of worshiping You / Allah, pray upon the prophet and his family
Cosa Aranda adalah blogger profesional dari kota Surabaya yang sudah berkecimpung di dunia bisnis online sejak tahun 2005. Sempat beberapa kali menjadi pembicara seminar dan mengadakan workshop pada periode tahun 2007-2010. Saat ini lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu untuk menggeluti hobi dan passionnya di bidang travelling, hiburan, serta permainan arcade. Bisa ditemui di Facebook jika ingin berkenalan.
Muhammad Yahya
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